Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International

Grauer's Mountain gorillas in Congo

Craghoppers Proudly Support the Dian Fossey Fund

The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International help to save Grauer’s gorillas in Congo. We proudly support the foundation and provide the brilliant team of conservationists with uniform, helping them to stay protected against the elements whilst working in the wild. Ambassador Veronica Vecellio, shares her story;

‘Working for conservation is a lifetime commitment which requires a strong motivation. Conservation is done by a variety of actions all connected to reach the same goal. My job has allowed me to meet and work together with extraordinary people, determined to change the world in order to protect our environment! But also, working for conservation, goes beyond a job or specific expertise. It is living style which is carried on day by day, with small actions, in order minimize the human impact on the environment, and so, it can be done by everyone!’

Learn more about how the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund successfully protects these gorillas by watching our short film ‘Hope’, narrated by Sir David Attenborough.